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Parakeet Care


Natural History: Native to woodlands and open grasslands in Australian, the species was first described in 1891.


Life Span: 10-15 years if well taken care of.


Sexing: Males have a blue cere and females a pink or brown.


Housing: As large as you can afford, with bar spacing small enough to not get their heads stuck between bars. For unclipped birds horizontal flight room is more important than vertical. Different sized perches will ensure proper foot exercise and stretching that will help prevent foot sores.


Feeding: Naturally grainivores that will husk their seeds before ingestion so they do not require grit. A good commericial diet and seed mix is reccommended to obtain proper nutrition and mimic natural foraging of husking seeds. Spray millet should also be offered as a toy/treat.


Water: Changed frequently to ensure no feces or food collects in it. The parakeet will enjoy baths as well. Some enjoy mist baths from a spray bottle others will prefer a shallow bowl of water.


How Many: Wild parakeets form huge flocks in Australian and many people are against having just one but it can have advantages. You have a better chance to get it to learn tricks and to talk with a single bird, also you will be its flock and it can be more tame. If you have a busy life or don't have time to play and interact with your parakeet everyday, it will become lonely and sad and then should have a playmate. More budgies will require more space and be a bit more noisey than one. They will also form less of a bond with you or your family since they have a companion with them 24/7.

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